Lisa Lanser Rose

I’m a mom, a grandmom, and a former writing professor; I’m also a dog trainer, which, when you think about it, is pretty similar to all of the above. 

I’m an award-winning essayist and fiction writer and the author of the memoir, For the Love of a Dog, (Harmony Books), and the psychological thriller, Body Sharers, (Rutgers University Press). I have a completed trick dog mystery represented by Lori Colvin at Birch Literary.

I’ve also compiled enough essays for a collection, The Naked Australian and Other First Dates: Essays on Mating While Murderable. I also have science fiction in Asimov’s co-authored with Rick Wilber, and by popular demand we’re taking Janny’s story into a novella. You’ll find writing updates here. 

My complete  CV is on LinkedIn.

I'm from Everywhere.

I grew up in West Africa, Indonesia, and New Jersey. I’ve spent a lot of time in Northern California where my family lives. I’m married to a South African. I lived in Pennsylvania long enough to learn how to chop firewood and bake a great whoopie pie. 

I taught for nine years in the International Baccalaureate Organization coaching young writers from around the world. 

lisa in africa ghana beach

Now I talk shop with writers and teach dogs to moonwalk.

Over the course of my career, I’ve taught writing and literature, written copy for an advertising firm, directed two college writing centers (Muhlenberg College and Eckerd College), co-directed the Other Words writers conference, founded the women writers’ blog co-op The Gloria Sirens, and hosted the podcast This Animal Life, where I got to interview the authors of books about intelligent creatures. I discovered that, next to dogs, writers are my favorite animals.

I’m a member of:

  • Sisters in Crime
  • Dog Writers Association of America
  • Mystery Writers of America
  • Florida West Coast Orchid Society
  • Poets & Writers