“Handling for Lead Changes.”
“Understanding your dog’s need to change leads can improve your handling and make your runs swifter, safer, and more sophisticated..” Clean Run: The Magazine for Dog Agility Enthusiasts. May 2020.
“The Make-or-Break Trick: Stand for Measurement.”
“You can skip the A-frame, you can break your start-line stay. . . . Nothing else you teach your dogs will affect their careers more if they’re on a measurement cutoff than how to stand properly for measuring.” Clean Run: The Magazine for Dog Agility Enthusiasts. December 2019.
“100 Easy At-Home Agility Hacks.”
“Overall, to proof your agility game, build impulse control and generalized behaviors into your dog while you get better at isolating behaviors and delivering consistent cues and reward markers. All this you can do in the privacy, convenience, and fun of your own home.” Clean Run: The Magazine for Dog Agility Enthusiasts. October 2019.
“How to Rescue Your Next Great Agility Dog.” Parts 1 & 2
“Soon after I began to foster herding dogs, I specialized in rehabilitating, training, and placing those with potential into performance homes. . . . There are tons of rescue dogs available who’d make great agility dogs . . . You just have to know how to find them.” Clean Run: The Magazine for Dog Agility Enthusiasts. Part 1, June 2019, Part 2, July 2019.